IBEW Local 300 Calcutta Fundraiser for SLAM T1D News

It's almost Wiffle Ball Time again. Last year our team raised money and raised a ruckus. Now we need to raise the bar!
To support them and raise funds for SLAM T1D to help those living with Type 1 Diabetes, Local 300 is having a Calcutta. You can help - buy a Calcutta ticket and sell one to a friend, or challenge your Facebook friends to donate - a little effort from a lot of people will make money to help the kids.
IBEW Local 300 Calcutta - Fundraiser for SLAM T1D
Sunday June 11, 2017 1:00 pm - Lunch and cash bar
American Legion Post 91, 3650 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester, VT 05446
Grand Prize: $1,500.00 + additional prizes (need not be present to win)
Tickets: $50.00 (ONLY 100 tickets available). Tickets available at the IBEW Local 300 Union Hall and from Wiffle Ball Team Members
Buy your tickets soon! Time is of the essence.
Donate directly at: https://www.crowdrise.com/2017VermontSummerClassic - look for the IBEW Local 300 Team Logo to support our team.
Help us help others!