2023 CODE Update Class will be held on February 18, 20, 25 & 27.
Contact (802) 864-5864 ext. 6 to join the class. We offer classes in person and online via Zoom.

City of Montpelier Passes Responsible Employer Ordinance
Montpelier became the first city in Vermont to pass a Responsible Employer Ordinance requiring that any municipal project in excess of $200,000 follow Vermont State Prevailing Wage law. This ordinance provides decent wages and access to benefits for all employees working on qualified city-funded projects.

The 66th Annual Vermont AFL-CIO Convention
Our power is in our labor and our solidarity. The 2023 Vermont AFL-CIO Convention will be held on September 9th and 10th, 2023.

Unions Show Solidarity at Scott Walker Protest
Close to 500 protesters greeted former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, who was in town for a Vermont GOP fundraiser May 30th at the Hilton.